Conference “Il disegno di viaggio” – Matera – 23.05.2023

On the occasion of the seminars “DIsegnoINsegno-INsegnoDIsegno“, organised by the University of Basilicata ( scientific coordinator Dr. Marianna Calia), on 23 May 2023, starting at 10.30 a.m. in room B003 (Campus Matera), the DAda-Lab will participate with a lecture entitled “Il disegno di viaggio“.
Seminars and workshops, sponsored by Unione Italiana Disegno (UID), are designed as a moment of debate on the theme of manual drawing as a privileged expression of mental and design elaboration.
With a special focus on journey, “Drawing and the creative act express the innocence of the gaze, the recovery of the faculty of surprising oneself and grasping the sublime, while the journey, through the wonders of history, becomes the way to reawaken in the researcher the ability to grasp the infinitely changeable aspects of the world; to free the imagination to break free from the constraints of reason and everyday existence.”
(Sandro Parrinello, 2018, In the Footsteps of Travellers. Thoughts on travel drawings)

To follow the lecture live, click here

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