E’ ONLINE il sito ufficiale del progetto PROMETHEUS!
#MSCA #InvestEUResearch #H2020RisePROMETHEUS

PROMETHEUS objective is to implement an interdisciplinary action for the documentation and structuring of information about architectural heritage, boosting the training of researchers on the constructive and historical value of Cultural Heritage Routes. The research will develop innovative methodologies of digitisation of architecture with the integration of multidisciplinary data and Information Models, leading to specialised figures able to operate on heritage built assets. The definition of a “charta”, for the replicability of action, will be pursued with a practical action on the monuments present in Upper Kama route (Russia) as pilot case of study. The network of researchers from different sectors involved in the action favours the cultural and thematic widening necessary to develop and show the skills that the market requires. The Italian expertise in digital survey of architectural heritage, the Spanish knowledge on building technology and census archives related to architecture, together with the historical and territorial planning knowledge provided by the Russian partner, will allow researchers to deal with professional companies that operate in the intervention fields of restoration projects and BIM Management. The research project will develop an information/cognitive 3D system, multidisciplinary and implementable, that represents the preparatory step for to the management, maintenance and valorisation of Cultural Heritage Routes over Europe.

YEAR 1_2019 Site survey of Upper Kama and classification of methods and protocols of analysis.
YEAR 2_2020 Population of digital Libraries for Informative Models.
YEAR 3_2021 Implementation of Collaborative Modelling Protocols.

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