CV Concepción López González ENG

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Jorge Luis Garcìa-Valldecabres

Professor of Architectural Graphic Expression at the Universitat Politècncia de València. Coordinator of the PhD programme in Architecture, Heritage and the City. She was director of the Master’s Degree in Construction and director of the Minor Works and Spatial Planning Area of the Vice-Rectorate of Infrastructure. She was Deputy Director of the Department of EGA and Director of the International Congress of Graphic Expression Applied to Construction (2012). She teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses at domestic and foreign universities. She has published books (20), book chapters (78), articles in scientific journals (42) and conference papers (109). She is editor of the scientific journal ‘EGE Revista de Expresión Gráfica en la Edificación’ and evaluator of the Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva (ANEP). She has participated in 12 competitive R+D+I projects and is currently Principal Investigator of the HBIM-SIG-Tourism project (Ministry of Science and Innovation).

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