CV Luis Cortés ENG

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Luis Cortés

Luis Cortés-Meseguer is PhD Architect and Building Engineer. University Polytechnic of Valencia (Spain) Professor since 2010 teaching in Architecture and Building Engineering degrees and in Architectural Heritage Conservation Master. He’s also taught in several masters’ degrees and seminars as well as long stays as teacher/researcher like Columbia University of New York (USA) or Via University College (Denmark). He’s also been part of exhibitions and publications in the field of architectural conservation such as: “Construction between Renaisance and 19th Century”, “Heritage restoration campaign, the light of the images, Lux Mundi” (La Luz de las Imágenes, Europa Nostra Prize in 2009), “The Provincial Council of Valencia: Fifteen years of intervention in the historical heritage” (Forum Unesco and Diputació de València) or “Spanish architectural heritage in USA. The case of San Martin de Fuentidueña (Segovia)”. He has realized numerous restoration and new buildings, has been involved in the restoration of Cultural Interest and other, highlighting Alaquàs Castle, Xàtiva’s collegiata church, Valencian Escuelas Pías’ church and various architectural interventions in the area of Dalt Vila in Eivissa (Balearic Islands), UNESCO – World Heritage.

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