Degree Thesis
Interested students can carry out the final thesis project on research topics conducted within the laboratory, supported by teachers and researchers.
List of most recent thesis:
Analisi geometrica e discretizzazione parametrica di motivi decorativi islamici. Studio di un pattern stellato finalizzato alla generazione dinamica di scenari architettonici
Student: Taha Alorabi
Tutor: F. Picchio Co-tutor: R. De Marco, A. Sanseverino
Year: 2022/2023
Parametric modeling procedures for the development of HBIM media on the Fraccaro College monument complex.
Student: Stefano Albertario
Tutor: S. Parrinello Co-tutor: A. Dell’Amico
Year: 2020/2021
Documenting an emergency archaeological excavation. Surveys and information systems for knowledge management.
Student: Giulia Porcheddu
Tutor: S. Parrinello Co-tutor: F. Galasso
Year: 2020/2021
Documentation and analysis experiences for the development of a proposal for the restoration of the Scaliger Walls in Verona
Student: Katia Maria Benni
Tutor: S. Parrinello
Year: 2020/2021
The documentation of Donatello’s pulpit: from drawing to digital reproduction.
Student: Chiara Rivellino
Tutor: S. Parrinello Co-tutor: F. Picchio
Year: 2020/2021
The Ark of Mastino II in Verona. Documentation experiences for the enhancement through forms of digital use of the work.
Student: Annunziata Papalia
Tutor: S. Parrinello Co-tutor: E. Napione
Year: 2019/2020
Parametric modeling processes for the management and development of the Archaeological Museum of the Central University of Pavia.
Student: Hangjun Fu
Tutor: S. Parrinello Co-tutor: A. Dell’Amico
Year: 2018/2019
Enhancement of the Shanghai ghetto. Analysis and documentation for the protection and use of urban space.
Student: Matteo Cento
Tutor: S. Parrinello Co-tutor: Mei Qing
Year: 2018/2019
Bethlehem. Survey and analysis of the old urban nucleus for the knowledge of the historical built heritage.
Student: Paola Barazzoni
Tutor: S. Parrinello Co-tutor: F. Picchio, A. Arrighetti
Year: 2017/2018
Application of LiDAR and 3D optical dynamic survey in the shaking table test of a half-scaled natural stone masonry building prototype
Student: Manuel Desole
Tutor: S. Parrinello, A. Penna Co-tutor: R. De Marco, I. Senaldi
Year: 2017/2018
Documentation and enhancement of Urban Walls of the city of Verona: Porta San Zeno and Porta Vescovo.
Student: Chiara Malusardi
Tutor: S. Parrinello
Year: 2017/2018
Documentation project in East Jerusalem. Database and virtual reality systems for the recovery and fruition of urban space.
Student: Francesca Galasso
Tutor: S. Parrinello
Year: 2017/2018
The documentation of Al-Jazzar Mosque in Acre, Israel. Integrated survey methodologies for non-invasive diagnostic investigations.
Student: Mariangela Canestrale
Tutor: S. Parrinello, Co-tutor: F. Picchio
Year: 2016/2017
Rapid documentation systems for the preservation of the memory of Chinese traditional landscape. The case study of Qingcun.
Student: Lorenzo Porcelli
Tutor: S. Parrinello, Z. Peng, Co-tutor: F. Picchio
Year: 2016/2017
Integrated digital survey for the study and documentation of Porta Palio in Verona.
Student: Davide Dujani
Tutor: S. Parrinello, Co-Tutor: M. Pivetta
Year: 2016/2017
Looking at the past to improve the future. Correlation between demographic development and expansion of residences in Shanghai.
Student: Francesco Zonca
Tutor: S. Parrinello, Co-Tutor: G. Minutoli
Year: 2015/2016
The façade of San Michele. Integrated survey for the creation of management models.
Student: Chiara Miatton
Tutor: S. Parrinello, Co-Tutor: M. Lo Turco, F. Picchio
Year: 2015/2016
Palazzo Nocca in Barbianello: a path of knowledge for enhancement of the monumental complex.
Student: Valentina Donato
Tutor: S. Parrinello
Year: 2015/2016
Maqam al Nabi Musa in El-Bariyah desert. Documentation methodologies for the analysis of a monumental complex in Jericho.
Student: Raffaella De Marco
Tutor: S. Parrinello, Co-Tutor: F. Picchio
Year: 2015/2016