Drawings Archive

Instructions for uploading material in the digital archive


  • File format JPG, resolution 300 dpi.
  • Surname_Name_Course_academicyear_title_page.jpg
    (es. Rossi_Mario_Disegno_2016-17_disegnoveloce_3.jpg)


>> Link for archive of Architectural Drawing course


>> Link for archive of Survey and Representation course


Architectural Drawing course.
For the titles of exercitation (in renaming files) please refer to the following list:

  • Exercitation 1: Disegno mnemonico
    Code: Cognome_Nome_disegno_2021-22_disegnodellamemoria_1.jpg
  • Exercitation 2: Osservazione, Memoria e Riproduzione
    Code: Cognome_Nome_disegno_2021-22_osservazionememoriariproduzione_1.jpg
  • Exercitation 3: Linea e Punto
    Code: Cognome_Nome_disegno_2021-22_lineaepunto_1.jpg
  • Exercitation 4: Linea e Punto_ Tecnica Cromatica
    Code: Cognome_Nome_disegno_2021-22_lineaepuntotecnicacromatica_1.jpg
  • Esercitazione: Sketchbook
    (N:B. The sketchbook must be scanned on each page, generating a single .pdf file that will be loaded in the appropriate section. The upload will be performed once every week with the assigned drawings. Each file will be renamed by varying the progressive numbers of the drawings.)
    Code: Rossi_Mario_disegno_2019-20_taccuino_x-x.jpg
    (Example for the first week: Rossi_Mario_disegno_2019-20_taccuino_1-3.jpg)

Architectural survey and representation course.
For the titles of exercitation (in renaming files) please refer to the following list:

  • Exercise 1: Eidotype of desk
    Code: Rossi_Mario_Rilievo_2019-20_eidotipobanco_X.jpg
  • Exercise 2: Eidotype of classroom
    Code: Rossi_Mario_Rilievo_2019-20_eidotipoaulah_X.jpg

For any malfunction or bug, please contact by mail

  • For architectural drawings course raffaella.demarco@unipv.it
  • For architectural survey and representation course francesca.galasso@unipv.it