Restoration analysis and Documentation
The intervention on existing architecture, represented by the main actions of recovery and restoration of historical complexes and building structures, requires investigation operations aimed at drafting most specific operational work plans. The preliminary phase of these procedures resides in the restorative capacity of metric and materic information of intervention apparatuses, enriched by actions of interpretation, mapping and critical evaluation for the reading and coding of signs and forms such as degradation pathologies and areas of intervention. The result is expressed by 2D and 3D cartographic documents capable of constituting both a technical base and a virtual support for the preparation of construction work sites and project visualizations.
- Interpretation of metric data from laser scanner and Range-based surveys.
- Association of colorimetric data for materic interpretation of architectural surfaces.
- Mapping of degradation pathologies.
- Interpretation of levels of depth and deformations of architectural apparatus.
- Decomposing and cataloging of construction systems.
- Display of project proposals on existing heritage.