CV Marco Ricciarini ENG

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Marco Ricciarini

Researcher at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University of Pavia, he is a graduate architect at the University of Florence and a PhD in Architecture, curriculum in Relief and Representation of Architecture and the Environment. He develops and coordinates research projects in the field of digital drawing and modelling for Regional Authorities, Public Authorities, Territorial Government Bodies and Sports Federations. Among these, “KICK AWAY spaces of tomorrow”, a scientific research project aimed at identifying and analysing the criticalities, structural, technological and inclusive use, of places dedicated to recreational-motor activities. His main areas of research concern the drawing for the knowledge of architectures and places dedicated to the education of the individual, schools and sports facilities, religious and military architectures; the use of BIM parametric modelling processes and methods for the valorisation of the built heritage; representation and digitisation techniques for the naval heritage (port infrastructures and valuable vessels); survey strategies and definition of digital duplicates for the analysis and monitoring of historical villages in inland areas.


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