“Workshop on Digital Survey and Documentation” Bethlehem – 04.12.2018

During the day of Tuesday, 4th December, a training seminar was organized by the research team of DAda laboratory of University of Pavia and addressed to the employees of the Municipality of Bethlehem and the engineers of the Association of Palestinian Engineers.
The event was organized within the cooperation and development activities envisaged by the project “3D Bethlehem” – Management and control system of urban growth for the development of heritage and improvement of life in the city of Bethlehem, and provided an opportunity to take stock of all project partners (Municipality of Pavia, the Municipality of Bethlehem, the University of Pavia, the University of Bethlehem, the Province of Pavia, the Order of Engineers of the Province of Pavia, the Territorial System for International Cooperation APS, ANCI Lombardia, the International Voluntary Service for Development (VIS) and the Association of Palestinian Engineers).

In parallel, the surveys of the historical center of the city have been continued, in order to create a system of territorial and built heritage management of Bethlehem based on reliable data of metric and census digital documentation.

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